[Source] Amber beeds wholesaler?

Hi there

I am looking for a supplier of polished amber beads and chunks (ie
not ready-made amber jewellery but just the amber). I have a couple
of contacts in the UK but these don’t have a very good selection at
all so I am looking both in the UK and overseas to find somebody who
can supply us with this.

Any ideas anybody? I have just been to Latvia and hoped to find
somebody there but didn’t have any joy and could only find retail
shops selling finished jewellery.

Thanks very much in advance for your help

Harriet Kelsall (UK)

Harriet try

Lorraine Ewing or Anthony Creaturo at

HCR 1 Box 5259
Keaau, HI 96749

I haven’t used this contact in about three years but they use to
carry amber pieces, polished but not set. They even had museum
quality specimens. I do not know if they carried any beads but they
had the best amber selection (with or without flora and fauna ) I
have seen. Luck

Frank Goss

Hi Harriet

Try the Polish Chamber of Commerce chamberofcommerce.pl their site
has some amber supplier links. If you email the chamber they will
give you additional suppliers of amber and they will usually be
ethical/trustworthy ones. As Poland is in the EU there is no import
duty to the UK if you pay VAT (value added tax) on purchase - it may
be better to pay on import if the Polish VAT rate is higher than the