Solid bezel setting

I’ve started making a “new-to-me” stone setting. For round, I drill
a hole in a round silver disk (guage & diameter varies with stone
size). I enlarge the hole to about 1/2 the size of the stone. I put
this on a bezel mandrel and hammer the perimeter flat against the
mandrel. I work it up the mandrel until the bottom is about 60 -70%
of widest part of stone. Like making the coin rings. Then I cut or
file prongs however I think they will secure and enhance the stone.
Oval and others can be the same if you have the correct mandrel.

Is there a name for this type setting? Is there any down side that
anyone can think of?


Is there a name for this type setting? Is there any down side that
anyone can think of? 

My understanding is that this is one of the oldest techniques for
bezel setting. Have never tried it, but am eager to.
