KIln Soldering Question?
What would direct the flow of the solder to the hotest part of
the joint?
Ginkgo Designs
KIln Soldering Question?
What would direct the flow of the solder to the hotest part of
the joint?
Ginkgo Designs
What would direct the flow of the solder to the hotest part of
the joint?
If the joints are close fitting, the solder should flow into
them by capillary action.
Rick Hamilton
Richard D. Hamilton
Fabricated 14k, 18k, and platinum Jewelry
wax carving, modelmaking, jewelry photography
Try anti-flux painted in a ring around the joints.
Skip Meister
NRA Endowment and
KIln Soldering Question? What would direct the flow of the solder to the hotest part of the joint?
Do kilns have “hot spots?”
In-furnace soldering is a technique used extensively in
dentistry. Once porcelain is applied to a restoration, direct
flame soldering will ruin the ceramic so many techs
in-furnace(kiln) solder. The pieces are joined in position with
sticky wax(burns out clean) or Duraly( a dental acrylic made for
casting small inlays in the direct mouth-to oven-to cast-to
mouth technique). It is invested in soldering investment and
when the joint area is burned clean, the liberally flux-coated
solder is placed carefully and the piece is slowly brought up to
temp of solder flow. Don’t rush it. If solder refuses to
flow, a gentle tap with small metal tool on the investment
will usually usually do the trick.
The Duralay which I mentioned is a marvelous product. It is a
powder (polymer) /liquid (monomer) that when mixed together will
produce a hard acrylic that can be used to make small parts
(carved with burrs, or when impressed and used as a mold can be
waxed into). It burns out clean at 1000 F. Any body wanting
more info can E-mail me.
Skip Meister
NRA Endowment and