SNAG name change?


My name is Gabriel Craig, I am a metalsmith, writer, craft activist
and member of the Society of North American Goldsmiths (SNAG). After
the most recent SNAG conference in Houston this past March I started
a facebook group and began garnering support for a name change for
the organization. Several weeks later I was approached by Harlan
Butt, current president of SNAG, to formalize my these sentiments as
a chair of the Name Change Research Committee. The committee has been
formed and is doing research directed at marketing and logistics
associated with a name change. Our most recent meeting minutes can be
found on our facebook page (above.)

I am hoping to start an objective discussion here as I know many
members of orchid/ganoksin are current or past members of SNAG, while
others are outspoken critics of the organization. I welcome all
viewpoints, and wonder aloud what do you think would make the
organization relevant to your business or studio? When I see over
8,500 members on orchid and only 3,000 or so SNAG members, I must
seriously question whether SNAG is the premier organization for
metalsmiths, jewelers, artists, and designers that it claims to be.

While I am personally for a name change please know that all
opinions expressed will be considered. I hope you will share your
considered opinion with us as we conduct our research.

Gabriel Craig
SNAG Name Change Research Committee chair

Greetings Orchid!

SNAG is an independent organization. The question if SNAG needs a new
name is as an internal affair of SNAG, its leadership and its

After reading the responses to Gabriel’s question, I believe that the
debate should remain contained within SNAG’s own communication

I have decided to terminate the thread in order to keep Orchid
healthy and maintain the integrity of the content.

I invite anyone who is interested in continuing the dialogue to do so
through the communication channels SNAG offers its member.

Best Regards