Smith Little Torch

I have a Smith Little Torch, acetylene tank and soldering vices that I no longer need. I would like to donate to someone who can use it. Located in Birmingham Alabama. My preference is for it to go to a student or teacher who needs it.


So generous!


Wow - do you have any pictures? I am a teacher and designer - and have limited funds. Thanks for the offer!

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This is the tank & torch. There is also a pickle pot, ring sizer, other solder tips, solder and a few other things. Are you in Birmingham? They will have to be picked up.

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That’s a great torch, but it is not a Little Torch. A Little Torch is, well, little and runs both gas and O2. This torch is a plumbers style torch running acetylene and air. I believe that it is a Smith Silversmiths Torch. I used a similar torch for about 35 years until I converted to propane and O2 on a Meco Midget and Little Torch. It will make a great torch for someone…Rob


Yes, a Silversmith. I really liked mine until I followed Rob and switched.

I like your tassle. Nice touch. :slightly_smiling_face:

Neil A

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You’re right. It is a Smith torch with an acetylene tank. I’ve had it a while and guess I forgot the name. It’s a great torch. I got it from Rio Grande. They are about $275 now. Don’t remember what I paid for it.

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Thanks for being willing to share it…Rob

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This has been picked up.

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Omg finally a silversmith near me! Im in Anniston and love Birmibgham. I wish id seen Birmingham before buying here. I go there all the time. I LOVE mountainview i think its called?