Small studio in my apartment

Other than a few hand tools, I have what I need to start working. I’m working to make stamps right now, but expect to start buying silver within a couple of weeks. Of course it doesn’t even begin to compare to the studios you guys all seem to have, but I always worked with a limited number of tools anyway, so I don’t consider it a hardship. I’m Creek and Cherokee, and I make my jewelry staying as true to traditional methods as is practical; the only kind of casting I will use is tufa stone, which might not be practical in my present circumstances, though I haven’t yet dismissed it entirely.


Looks beautiful!! Congratulations!! I love your kitty assistant.



It’s a beautiful space. I’m envious of the natural light! Kitty looks happy too. :grin:

Thank you, Jeff and Pam. The two tomcats do an excellent job of supervision from their bed on top of my polisher. The only other machine that I will probably add is a drill press, simply because I dislike drilling holes with a flex-shaft. So far I haven’t yet used my Meco Midget torch for anything but annealing some old files, but I see that it is so different from my old Prestolite that learning to solder with it will be interesting. I intend to start by making some chains to keep it simple while I relearn.


I’m part Mi’k Maq and have a small space as well. Yours is fabulous, and I wish you well working within it. I would like to post my space but I can’t get a pic to download to show it on the site.

Respectfully Yours,


Hi Marita:

Thanks for the kind words. I would really like to see what you have done with a small space. I think the only tools I will miss from my younger days when I had an Indian jewelry store with my studio in the back would be lapidary equipment, which I cannot come up with any way to fit in. All the best in your future endeavors.


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congratulations on your well thought out studio space! it looks amaxing!


Hi Julie:

Thank you. It’s taken awhile to put it together, and it would never have happened without the support and encouragement of my wife. For instance, had she not have insisted, I would not have chosen nearly so nice a workbench. It has been over thirty years since I lit a torch, and I look forward to finding out if soldering is at all like riding a bike.



Yes, your bench looks like the Ferrari of benches! Beautiful!

I am especially envious of the drawing board/ surface under the pin!


Hi Julie:

I like it a lot. That surface is really handy. I have my drawing stuff and an old set of drafting tools in the drawer just above it. It has a nifty pullout soldering-board just above the drawer, which I am as yet uncertain as to whether I will ever use it for its intended purpose.


You have an amazing maker space. I wish I had a home setup. I’d be so much more productive. LOL. I love supporting First American jewelers!

Looks lovely!

Thank you jenarchie and Brennan. I’m getting pretty impatient to put it to work now.

Love your studio. I am wondering if the cover for your polisher came with it, or did you get it separately? I need one but it is hard to find one big enough. I am in Canada.

What a beautiful place to create things. I find my converted bedroom a pleasure as well, but it does have a lot of black gunk collect daily. I’ve added an air purifier for my own health safety.

That is a lovely setup. Love the black cat!!

Hi Marilyn:

I got my polisher here:

It is on sale right now. Pepetools also sells a cabinet with fan motor that might suit you better if you already have your main motor.


Thanks Maryjob. Oliver pretty much goes wherever I go.


It looks real nice! Looks like you have an outside door, so out you go for casting!

Thanks miketayse. As to casting outside, that’s a no go. What lies outside the door is a wooden balcony where I tend our bonsai trees, but fire would not be welcome.