Silverplatinum or Black silver

Hi all. I did not write on the forum for a long time but I still read
yours each day. I am very busy in writing lessons.

Student of mine brought to me this week a print of a web site
concerning a metal called silverplatinum or Black Silver. This alloy
contain 16 different elements but only silver and platinum are
revealed on the web page. This alloy is black and can be worked for
jewelry. It seems to be a new product but does any of you ever try

Vincent Guy Audette


Depending on its cost, this may be a better alternative than surface
oxidation of silver for several projects I have. Any chance of
getting the URL of the website so we can check it out?

Warm Regards,

Peter and Shawn, The web site for Silverplatinum is

I don’t know if he could write the url more complicated??? The problem
for you is that it is a french web site but it is just on one page I
will translate and resume for you. The name of the inventor is Lucien
Vachey, adress is: 45 avenue des Ternes, 75017 in Paris France. This
metal containt 16 elements, mostly silver and contains paltinum. This
metal do not have this cold and metallic aspect of mostly metals. It
can be sold as an ingot form and can be work as any other metals. It
does not conduct electricity in normal conditions. X-rays can’t go
trough. It keeps a long time the heat even after it is drop in water.
No oxydation in contact with air and resist to common acids. It can be
photosensitive if you add selenium in it.Fusion at 854 celsius (around
1569 F). The inventor is looking for partners. I hope this help (look
at the site there is a sculpture) Vincent Guy Audette