Everyone is familiar with the term ‘born with a silver spoon in his
or her mouth.’ This is, of course, the PC version demanded by my
Bill Gates word processor. But this old adage has a deeper meaning
that many are unaware of.
During the middle ages, the wealthy used sterling silver for
everything associated with the consumption of their meals. They even
placed silver coins in milk to preserve it. They wore lots of silver
and gold on their person. While everyone else was breaking out in
various plague type diseases, the upper crust was mysteriously
healthy, in spite of the fact that their personal hygiene was as
poor as everyone else=92s. It did not take them long to figure out
that there was something unique about silver and disease prevention.
The wealthy gave their infants silver spoons to suck on to protect
them from the plague, hence the above adage. Long before infant
pacifiers were made from rubber or plastic they were made of silver.
In fact, they are still being made in silver. Check out:
http://www.madeinsheffield.com/view_item.asp?productid=2101&pr=0 a=
a good example. Are you thinking of a new product for your line now?
From the fourteenth through the nineteenth century the most
powerful antibiotic, antibacterial and antifungal medication
available was silver! In 1884, the German obstetrician Dr. K.S.
Crede discovered that a mild silver solution put into a baby=92s
eyes at birth dramatically reduced eye infections. This practice
is still in use today. In fact, the use of colloidal silver was
popular until the advent of synthetic antibiotics, at which time
the pharma cartel succeeded in discouraging its use. There was
just no profit in something costing pennies per gallon to produce.
Unlike synthetic antibiotics with their narrow range of
application, silver is known to be effective against over 650
pathogens, viruses, microbes, fungi and parasites. These critters
do not build up an immunity to silver as they do to antibiotics.
Unlike antibiotics, there are no deleterious side effects with
colloidal silver.
The disease known as aggria, where silver causes a permanent blue
discoloration of the skin, is of no concern for those taking
properly prepared colloidal silver. You must ingest huge quantities
of silver to get this condition. Professionally prepared colloidal
silver is usually taken at low concentrations, and thus is not
really a cause for concern. Anyone who tells you otherwise is, well,
sadly misinformed. However, if you breath large quantities of silver
dust in your work area, it=92s a different story. But then you can
tell everyone that you are blue blooded.
For those with life threatening diseases, there is a new kind of
bivalent silver known as tetrasilver tetroxide. A single injection
of this stuff has been shown to stop AIDS, and may well be the
ultimate cure for Lyme disease. World-famous Israeli Rabbi Marvin
Antelman developed and patented tetrasilver tetroxide as a cure for
AIDS. He also excommunicated Henry Kissinger, so the guy has to be
cool. Unfortunately, the pharma cartel has the Rabbi on their hit
list, so tetrasilver is hard to find.
Take three nine-volt transistor batteries and snap them together by
the clips on the top of the batteries. On the two remaining
terminals solder a few inches of 99.999 silver wire. Bend these so
the batteries will hang over the side of a drinking glass with the
ends of the wires going into the glass. Bend the wire ends out so
they are in the middle of the glass and not touching each other.
Fill the glass with distilled water until the silver wires are well
immersed. Wait a few hours and bingo, you have made colloidal silver
at around five to fifty parts per million. Shine a laser pointer
into the water while making silver and you can see the colloid
forming. After a few uses, the silver wire will begin to tarnish.
Buff them with a clean cloth for that silvery glow. Drink a glass of
colloidal silver water each day for perfect health, without doctors,
drugs, or deleterious side effects.
Colloidal gold has even more amazing properties. Isn=92t nature
Randolph Post