John, John, John…
You just don't comprehend American "English." I live near Hollywood, the place where certain female exotic dancers have er... "upper torso"... enlargements with "silica." And to the north is "Silicone" Valley, where they make all the transistors. Silicon? Isn't that the stuff lapidaries use as an abrasive extender fluid in glyptic work?
Richard, Richard, Richard, Oh gor blimey guv - do I have to get all
serious here? Well, all right but you started it, though I agree
it can be confusing
SILICON is an element. It has the symbol Si. It has a metallic
appearance, but it is neither a metal nor a non-metal but halfway
in between. Thus it can act as an acid or a base. -
Silica is an oxide of silicon: silicon dioxide, SiO2, sand,
quartz, agate, amethyst… -
SILICONES: Because silicon has a similar atomic/electron
configuration to carbon it can (if it is pushed a bit) form
compounds which are analogues of many organic compounds and most of
these are referred to generally as '“silicones” One of these has
similar properties to natural rubber and is also commonly referred
to as Silicone, as in “silicone body enhancements”, and there’s a
semi viscous oily liquid used as a low temperature lubricant and
also as an extender when using diamond powders for lapidary work.
and so on. -
'Taint SILICONE valley, but SILICON valley; the place where
they mess around with transistors. My new knees don’t contain
silicones, so they don’t stretch overmuch when pulled these days.
Cheers, johnb.