[Show] MJSA NY Expo

Well the New York tool show is coming up next week… I am just
wondering if anybody other than myself and Elaine from Gesswein
will be there… It really is an awesome event!!! I am a tool
hound and I can spend all day for the three days the show is
there, checking out all the tools…

Marc Williams
MarcCo. Jewelry Mfg.

Dear Marc: My company, Eisinger Enterprises, will be at MJSA NYC
showing the Pressure Cast machine for platinum mentioned on
earlier postings as well as stuff to do digital photo, CAdCam,
etc. I agree the show has a great assortment of new ideas. Hope
more Orchid readers will be there. RG

Well the New York tool show is coming up next week… I am just
wondering if anybody other than myself and Elaine from Gesswein
will be there…

Yup, I’ll be there searching for new, creative and even
productive ways to spend my employer’s money :wink: The
Manufacturer’s show is fun and (unlike the jewelry shows)
exhibitors there will actually TALK to me despite my sensible
shoes and comfortable dress. I’m a bench-monkey, err, goldsmith
and live in dust and grime, not heels and an overgroomed aura of
fashion. It’s a great opportunity to see what’s new and make new
contacts. I’ll have to make an attachment for my badge that says
“are you on Orchid?” in hopes of meeting some of our group who’ll
be attending. Look for me accompanied by the tallest man in the
room. There’s advantages to having a husband that can be used as
a landmark .


Jane Armstrong/@Jane_Armstrong

Sanza riposo mai era la tresca de le misere mani.
(The dance of the wretched hands was never done)
Dante “Inferno” Canto XIV-40

Hi, I will be running the SNAG/Metalsmith booth at the MJSA NY
show all three days as I have been since 1992 so please stop by
and say hello if you are visiting the show. Also, I will be
attending Designer Day March 26 at FIT. I put about
D. Day on my website the direct link is
I also have a section
about SNAG and Metalsmith magazine the direct link is
this includes a complete list of
all the current advertisers just click on “listing of current
advertisers” I tried to include links to all of their websites or
emails. I am far from finished and plan to keep updating the site
with current info. See you in New York!

I will be going to Designer Day at FIT this Friday.
Unfortunately I have to miss out on Saturday and Sunday.


Come visit me at Platinum Day and at MJSA EXPO, Booth 807 Jurgen
Maerz Platinum Guild International

Hi Suzan, I’m going to be at the MJSA show in N.Y. this year as
well as the providence show in May. I’ll be cutting molds at the
Castaldo booth. They have some exciting new product that you
should see to believe! Also to any of customers that will be at
either the N.Y. or Providence Expo stop by and say hello. J.A.

Hi Fellow Orchidites? Orchideers? Orchidians? well anyway…

If any of you are going to be at MJSA New York, I hope you will
stop by the Gesswein booth and say hi. It would be so nice to
meet you in person. And of course I’d be happy to help you with
any tools or equipment you might be interested in. :slight_smile:

Best Regards,

Elaine Corwin
Phone: 1-800-544-2043, ext 287
Fax: 203-335-0300

Aloha All, If you would like to see CNC milling and CAD/CAM in
action, go to The Rio Grande, Eisinger Enterprises, or Frank
Pertot booth at the MJSA New York Expo. You can see the Model
Master line of modelmaking specific solutions and equipment. You
may be pleasantly surprised. Also, The Art2Part system will be at
the Basel Show with Eisinger, the A&E Show in Florida at the
Model Master booth, at the MJSA Rhode Island Show, with SWEST and
Frank Pertot. If you are at these shows take the opportunity to
see the equipment, CAD/CAM software, personally, and have your
questions answered.

Mike Adams (from Model Master) and myself, will be doing
individual, appointment only, demonstrations in the LAX area, of
Los Angeles, in the near future. These demonstrations will be one
on one, approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours in length. We will also be
doing it again, in Hawaii, shortly thereafter. If you care to
make an appointment, contact me via email (off list) or call me

Best Regards,

Christian Grunewald
Precision Modelmaking
(808) 622-9005