Show Dealers Expectations

All, As a show dealer I expect certain criteria to be met by the
promoter I am paying to put on the show. This applies both to clubs
and professional promoters. In club promotions everyone associated
with the show is an employee of the promoter. Following is a list and
expectations within that list.

  1. Security - I expect 24 hour, trained armed security at the show
    from the time the show is open for setup until the last dealer leaves
    the loading area. That does not mean a part time employee of the
    promoter. It means a person sanctioned by the state with the power
    to arrest and inflict deadly force if necessary.

I expect the show to close promptly at the closing hour and the
promoter to clear the building as quickly as the last deals are made.
I expect the promoter to know the background of all their employees.
A lot of the robberies being committed are inside jobs set up by
employees of the promoter. I expect the promoter to provide a secure
loading area. That means good lighting and guards. I expect the
promoter to ensure that all the alarm systems and exits to the
building are fully operational.

  1. Advertisement: I expect the promoter to advertise the show and
    bring in a crowd of people wanting to purchase items. This means the
    promoter does not advertise solely to retirement communities and
    within the rockhound community. The people I need at the show are
    middle aged, middle class, with money to spend. The ideal income to
    market to is the $75,000 - $150,000 per year in each household.

  2. Contracts: I expect the show to be set up in a uniform manner and
    the rules for dealers to follow fully spelled out in the contract.
    Any dealer violating these rules without the promoters permission
    should be made either to comply or ejected from the show. I expect the
    promoter to provide air conditioning or heating within the facility
    as required or the lack of spelled out in the contract.

  3. General - I expect the agreement between the promoter and the
    dealer to be binding and not subject to change at the whim of either
    party. Others could add to this list, but you can see where I am
    coming from. I am a full time manufacturer of gemstones and custom
    jewelry made of some stones. My inventory can go to as high as
    $500,000 at a show or as low as $10,000. I am to the point of
    shipping by Brinks or Wells Fargo to ensure security. In the future
    my inventory will even more valuable. I need to know all the above
    facts before I sign for a show. Sometimes I compromise these
    requirements because there is no way the promoter can provide them.
    If the promoter tells me up front then I can adjust my inventory and
    be reasonable safe. If they do not tell me the truth or mislead me
    the situation can become dangerous, both to life and property. Many of
    my acquaintances in the business have dropped out of shows
    altogether. They tell me the stress and danger of being on the road
    are too much for the amount money they take in. Many others of my
    acquaintances have been robbed in a matter of minutes. Some have
    been beaten and robbed. Some have been shot, beaten, and robbed.
    Most of these people are no longer in the business. To sum it all up.
    One of the most dangerous places for a gemstone dealer is the show.
    We hire promoters to ensure our safety and provide a selling

Gerry Galarneau