Should I get an oxygen concentrator?

I have the opportunity to buy one for $200 new and unused. It would be for my Smith Little torch. I currently use an oxygen bottle and I guess folks are skittish about those?

Advise if you can! Thanks


There has been a lot of discussion about O2 concentrators, most of it is positive. The assumption is that it is at least a 5LPM continuous flow machine. This is important, otherwise it won’t work. After that, if you use propane and a little torch, hoke torch or Meco torch, you should be good as long as you are working with sterling silver or gold. You will be able to solder copper and brass, but not likely to be able to cast either of them. It is a great way to get an O2 cylinder out of your shop. If you go to 1 lb. camp stove propane cylinders, you will be able to get larger propane or acetylene tanks out of your shop too. If your shop is in your house, you should definitely do this. You will need tips appropriate to the gas you are using. Please go back and search the many discussions of this topic before you decide and also talk to your local Fire Marshall and insurance agent. My $.02…Rob


Yeah I’m thinking it’s a great way to go. I’ve gotta go get it tonight :). Hope it’s a fit!


Hi Rob,

ah yes, “continuous flow” versus “pulse”

good to call out! thank


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Well, the craigslist ad soon became meeting at a grocery store at night, and I will have to wait for the next one I guess. I’m not afraid of a little mystery journey but that was too much for me last night! Onto the next thing :slight_smile:

Hi Brennan,

rio has 2 models right now
each one has a regular price listing, as well as a discounted model listed. one is around $300…i cannot comment on how good either brand is.


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I ordered mine from ABR imagery. The cator to glass workers, but have really great customer service. I use it with a small disposable propane canister and love it. Good luck.


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Thank you!

Hi Rob,

do you think your oxy concentrator has enough oxy and psi to do a 4 oz melt if strelung…?


I have only ever done 2 ozs. at the most. That is because that is all the scrap that I had. I might have trouble containing 4 ozs. In the molds that I have if I could get the silver melted…Rob

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Bernie, which model oxygen concentrator did you purchase? It looks like ABR has a lot of choices and some of them are very expensive.



I bought the EX-5 and it works great with a disposable bottle of propane.



Thanks! Jeff

Do a local search to see if someone reconditions medical O2 concentrators. I am lucky to have one 15 miles away who sells reconditioned units with a warranty. They go for $300 - $400 local pickup only. I don’t know where you are, but this small company is near Syracuse, NY…Rob

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I just did a 3 oz. sterling silver melt with my little torch with a Paige casting tip on a 1 lb. propane camp stove cylinder and a 5LPM O2 concentrator. It took about 5 minutes to melt. I kept my Blazer 2000 on the mold to keep it hot. It went well. Now I will see what shape the ingot is in. It filled my mold…Rob


Update: just picked up an o2 concentrator for 90$!! Gotta keep those Craigslist notifications on!

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sanitary-wise, is there anything you need to do? new filters, etc?


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I’m not sure, I’ll look it over. I’m prepping for our first in person show since Covid started so it’ll happen after this weekend. Wheee

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Invacare makes excellent o2 concentrators and they are likely to be the most commonly reconditioned concentrators on the market. Mine is a Platinum 10 which I believe is still the top of their line. Purchased from the same shop as Brother Rob’s. Filters are easy to reach and clean. There are others on the market but this is the brand I use.


I absolutely love mine. I got it from this guy that owns a company in North or South Carolina and they are amazing people and he actually gave me $50 off and free delivery and I got a brand spanking new one for $500 from him and it works so great

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