I have one home remedy that I would like to share. It is particularly
useful for the sawblade cuts, which seems to be emerging as the most
persistent injury, and as we all know, those sawblade cutstend tostay
wide open. I usually use powdered turmeric on these cuts. It is a
bright yellow spice used frequently in Indian and other Asian
cuisines. Before I go to sleep, I rub a little bit of it into the
open cut and the cut will be much better in the morning. In fact, if
the cut is already inflamed, it will stop hurting immediately.
Turmeric is known for both it’s antiseptic and anti-inflammatory
properties. The other plus is that because it is a dry powder, it
keeps the cut dry and allows you to leave it uncovered as you sleep
(unlike those antiseptic gels). Please be careful when you work
Natasha Wozniak