Shear, Press Brake, & Slip Roll 12"

Hello all! I’ve been poking around on the Harbor Frieght web site
looking for a small brake press to make silver boxes with. I found
one listed as 12" Shear, Press Break, & Slip roll. It looks like it
would do every thing I want to do and more. I was wondering if
anyone out there who might own this press would mind commenting on it.
Does it operate smoothly? What sort of rolling is it capable of ?

Thanks so much for your time!

Shane Morris

Shane, the art center where I work has on e of these shear/brakes.
I’ve never used the brake, so can’t speak to that. The shear does a
decent job of cutting 20 gauge and thinner non-ferous metals. It’s
very hard however to get a clean cut on anything thicker than 20
gauge. I think we are talking about the same tool - about $165.00
from Harbor Freight - you get what you pay for. Gini in very
hot,dry Florida, USA

A friend of mine has one of these, and since Harbor Freight got them
back in the small size, I intend to get one also. The shear is a
guillotine type, capable of cutting up to 16 ga. sterling, red brass
or copper. The brake is capable of handling up to 20 ga., but don’t
expect sharp creases. The corners will be rounded, even though they
are at a 90 degree angle. The roll part of it is mainly for forming,
not for milling. If you need a gentle curve in something, it will do
it, but it’s not heavy enough for imprinting or milling sheet/wire. It
comes down to it’s most serviceable part is the shear, but believe me,
this will cut hours off your production time when you need to make
straight cuts. If you’re working in med. to light gauges of metal, and
don’t need the power of the commercial guillotine shear, it’s
well worth the price you pay for the Harbour Freight model.