Separate gold from electronic scrap

About a year ago i watched a program about gold reclamation from pc

The program showed the circuit boards being “crunched” and shredded.
The resulting mess was incinerated. The end result was a flowing
thread of gold being poured into a small crucible.

here is their math: 1000 main boards + intense heat = 1 oz gold +

so it would reason that 1 pc mother board would yield.001 oz gold or
about enough money for a large cup of plain black coffee… not a

pun intended


here is their math: 1000 main boards + intense heat = 1 oz gold +
slag. so it would reason that 1 pc mother board would yield.001 oz
gold or about enough money for a large cup of plain black coffee...
not a latte. 

Well gold headed to $2000 an oz maybe you can get that latte :smiley:

The other consideration is fuel used for the reclaimation, and the
toxic fumes coming off those burning boards.

It’s not viable for a small operation.

Regards Charles A.