Selling: Rhodium Solution & Rare Opal Books

For Sale: 100 ml bottle of Degauss Rhodium 271 solution with 2 grams of rhodium. Acid based. Price: $325 + shipping. Shipped only within the USA. Solution is brand new, never used.

Paige Tools wanted to verify the bottle seal on the rhodium and turned the blue cap which turned out to be the seal. Degauss did not add safety seals under their bottle caps. It was recapped immediately. Most jewelry makers know the name Degauss. A German company with a world wide reputation for top quality precious metal products.

Several years back Paige Tools was planning on marketing a digital electroplater. Lots of gold, rhodium, etc., test plating was done during unit development. This bottle of rhodium is from that period. Rhodium 271 is the formula used for ‘Pen or Brush’ plating.

Pen plating is very simple to do. Much easier than plating supplies companies lead people to believe! All it takes is a plating pen and one or two, 1.5 volt AA batteries which work fine. No beakers, hotplate or vent system needed. Make a plating pen for a few dollars easily, see YouTube, or buy one on eBay, etc.

Decorate small areas easily without having to mask off areas. Cover solder joints and small repaired areas quickly. Touch up prongs after re-tipping. Rhodium plating does not tarnish. Gems don’t have to be removed before plating except for porous materials like pearls, turquoise, coral, etc. Pen plating rhodium is very easy and done at room temperature.

I work at Paige Tools. They are allowing me to offer my opal books for sale on Orchid. The book is rare and out of print. I have 4, brand new copies. Title: Opal:The Phenomenal Gemstone by Janet Clifford. Before working at Paige I was a jewelry maker for 45 years. I also gave talks on opals & pearls at social clubs, to jewelry groups, University audience, etc. Sometimes I’d give away this book after an opal talk and documentary showing a crew & I filmed during a 3 month shoot in Australia. It’s a great book with wonderful photos and information about opals from locations around the world. Glossy cover & pages. A collectors book!

For Sale: Opal books above: Four, brand new, pristine copies, $65 ea. Two or more $60 ea. plus USA shipping. Can you find any brand new ones for sale other than mine? (Rhodium) (Opal book)