Seeking a jewelry resin teacher

Does anyone know of anyone, anywhere who offers workshops in jewelry
making using resins, acrylics, all manner of plastic bits?

One of our local Chicago Metal Arts Guild members is looking to
create a custom class, and has a number of people interested but we
can’t seem to find a teacher.

I thought one could find just about anything and everything in
Chicago. : ) But we’re stumped. And I can’t believe it!

So, is any body teaching this, anywhere in the US? Any and all
leads are appreciated.

Elaine Luther
Metalsmith, Certified PMC Instructor
Hard to Find Tools for Metal Clay

Dear Elaine,

I don’t know if she covers the scope of what you’re looking for, but
I took a 3-day workshop on epoxy-resin with Susan Sloan at the old
Horizons (now Snow Farm, in Mass.) – might have been 12 years ago.
She was extremely knowledgeable and does beautiful work. I think
she’s in NY state; might have an affilitation with 92nd St. Y in NYC.

Good luck,


Betty Heald at MICA in Baltimore Maryland teaches a great
resin/acrylic/all manner of plastic bit class. She may be available.
Try reaching her through the Maryland Institiute College of Art, the
Jewlery Studio at Meadow Mills The studio is part of MICA’s excellant
continueing ed program