Larry, I don’t know of any Jewelry attractions in the Glasgow area of
Scotland, but it sure is a great place. If you are interested in
things “mystical”, you should most definitely make the effort to visit
Rosslyn Chapel, a few miles south west of Edinburgh, right in the town
of “Roslin”. It is a very old, partly completed chapel that has
distinctly pagan symbolism and Knight’s Templar carvings, and has a
great history or story behind it. Also, it’s in a beautiful setting,
as most everywhere in Scotland is.
You may not get a chance to go this far north, but I also enjoyed
visiting the Orkney Isles when I was there last. They have an
affordable ferry/bus tour that is well worth taking, even if you
aren’t the tour type. In the small town of John O’ Goats, where the
ferry leaves from, at the northern-most tip of Scotland, there is a
small collection of artisan stores, including a glassmaker who makes
some very beautiful pieces, and ceramicist, and a candle maker. In
fact, they need a little jewelry shop up there… hmmm…
Have a good trip, I hope it doesn’t rain too much!
Andrew Horn
Fiodh Furniture Company
105 Seaview St.
Port Hueneme, CA 93041