I’ve recently been asked to help find a school or place to study
goldsmithing around the Macon, GA (USA) area. I live in Florida and
don’t know of one. Does anyone in Orchid land have a suggestion?
This man is new to GA and the US, I think. Thanks in advance for any help.
Gini, The William Holland School of Lapidary arts is in GA. Someone
told me they have great classes cheap. However according to my source
they do not pay the instructors, they make their money selling
supplies! The number is 706-379-2166. My understanding is that they
have all types of metal and stone setting classes.
hi Gini!!.. my Mom lives in Macon GA… there is not much there for
lessons but definitely contact Mercer University-- they “used to” have
a teacher or 2… better bet would be to go to Atlanta… many more
choices… Good luck-- tell you friend to come down to Cherry Blossom
Fest this weekend
Dear Gini, How about William Holland? It’s in Young Harris Georgia
near the University. Room, board and classes for the ridiculous price
of about $225 per week. They have a brochure and class schedule that
is out for this year. Classes start the first of May and run thru the
end of October. Miss seeing you in class, Suzanne
I’m not real great at geography so I’m not sure how close this would
be. but The Savannah College of Art and Design, in Savannah Georgia
has an excellant metals department. I did a lecture there about 5
years ago and they have a wonderful facility. As with everything
there the technology and equiptment for all the classes is all state
of the art. Like Disneyland. My son also attended school there for
two and a half years in the graphics and photography departments. He
wasn’t real thrilled with all the politics and the business side of
the school. But if you aren’t affected by that kind of stuff and just
want to get want you can out of the classes I think it would
be a great place to learn. Just a thought. ~Poppy~
Poppy - thanks for the suggestion of Savannah School. Macon is right
in the middle of the state. Therefore, it’s not really near Atlanta,
Willliam Holland, or Savannah. However, I plan to forward all info
to the person who asked. Thanks so much for the responses I’ve
gotten from all the generous folks on Orchid. Gini
Perhaps it would help if I explain Macon is in middle of state–
Savannah is 168 miles east-- Atlanta is 76 miles north… Young
Harris is in very north part of state…