Sanding Sticks

Another way to make your own sanding sticks.

Select a wet/dry sandpaper, or any other paper/cloth backed

Get a box of popsicle sticks at the craft store (they call 'em
craft sticks).

Place a sheet of sandpaper face down & coat the back with glue
(any carpenter’s type glue will work), don’t overdo the glue.
Cover the glue with the sticks. You can put about 50 sticks on a
(9x11 inch, US) sheet of sandpaper.

Cover another sheet of sandpaper with a thin coat of glue &
place it over the sticks. If you only want 1 sided sticks omit
the second sheet.

Set the assembly aside to dry, (depends on the glue & humidity)
usually overnight.

Cut the sticks & sandpaper apart with a razor blade or knife.

Making your own lets you tailor the grits to your own


Give the micro graded abrasives a try- they last longer- this
was the first batch of sanding sticks since we moved into the
studio last March. The foam tape adds some give to the abrasive.

The popsicle sticks sound great for small areas.

Rick Hamilton