Sandblasting tips/Wax Pen

I want to thank everyone who’s contributed tips on
sandblasting/glass bead blasting in response to my original inquiry. I hope
others who have ideas/experience will continue to write. I’ve learned a
great deal from the presented so far.

As it turns out, two of the suppliers mentioned are virtually in my
back yard. My shop is located just a few blocks from Harbor Freight Tools
headquarters which is having a big sale on compressors and other goodies
with free shipping until Dec. 15. I have absolutely no affiliation with
them, but they do tend to have very good prices on a whole range of
interesting stuff. Those interested can get sale catalogs by phoning
1-800-423-2567 or faxing 1-800-905-5220. The person who mentioned getting
a huge compressor for bronze work might do well to check with them before
buying elsewhere: they have a 6 1/2 hp. compressor with a 60-gallon tank
for $469, free shipping, as an example.

I’ve noticed several people’s comments about the need for a cheap
wax pen. I have specs for two easy-to-make types I’d be happy to share if
there’s enough interest. Just let me know.

Rick Martin

Richard O. Martin wrote:

    I want to thank everyone who's contributed tips on

sandblasting/glass bead blasting in response to my original inquiry. I hope
others who have ideas/experience will continue to write. I’ve learned a
great deal from the presented so far.

    As it turns out, two of the suppliers mentioned are virtually in my

back yard. My shop is located just a few blocks from Harbor Freight Tools
headquarters which is having a big sale on compressors and other goodies
with free shipping until Dec. 15. I have absolutely no affiliation with
them, but they do tend to have very good prices on a whole range of
interesting stuff. Those interested can get sale catalogs by phoning
1-800-423-2567 or faxing 1-800-905-5220. The person who mentioned getting
a huge compressor for bronze work might do well to check with them before
buying elsewhere: they have a 6 1/2 hp. compressor with a 60-gallon tank
for $469, free shipping, as an example.

    I've noticed several people's comments about the need for a cheap

wax pen. I have specs for two easy-to-make types I’d be happy to share if
there’s enough interest. Just let me know.

Rick Martin

ther is a GRAINGER supply house in everyones territory, in there catalog
you will find literaly everything you need for sandblasting, including
crushed glass beads. they have 800 #'s just call operator.for #


   I've noticed several people's comments about the need for a cheap

wax pen. I have specs for two easy-to-make types I’d be happy to share if
there’s enough interest. Just let me know.

Rick Martin

I would be interested in the wax pen info. Thank you for offering it.


John Dach and Cynthia Thomas
Maiden Metals
a div. of We are given eyes to see and ears to hear,
MidLife Crisis Enterprises but what is required of the mind?
PO BX 44
Philo, CA 95466