[San Diego] Teaching and studio space

Whaley Studios San Diego has doubled its space and now has teaching
space available, as well as bench space. This can be on an hourly or
daily rental.

It is an entire room with teaching tables and wheeled chairs. May be
used for Wire, Clays, Beading, as well as for lectures and

There are adjacent benches, a soldering station, buffer and rolling
mill, kitchen and bathroom.

This is apart from Jay’s teaching studio.

Interested persons may call 619-299-9619 to speak with Terrie on
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

The studio is located in the Hillcrest area of San Diego, upstairs
in the front building. We lease the entire upstairs and have a great
building wide balcony, great for trunk Shows.

Feel free to visit to look over the space.

Thank you