Salt and vinegar pickle

Hello Agnes,

One thing is for sure, without vit C lots of processes in your body
go wrong. Vit CIt strengthens the immune system (white bloodcells),
assists in metabolism, helps wounds to heal and is utilized by the
bones in the production of red blood cells… and much more. No vit
C, no iron absorbtion (essential blood builder), no hemoglobin, no
oxygen transport. In other words, your system go’s down, you’re
going down.

It needs to be replenished on daily basis due to the fact that it is
a water soluble. Everybody lives in stress nowerday. Stress eats Vit C
aswell as smoking does, aswell as the contineous work of your
immunity system even when you’re sleeping. You’re consuming more then
you think depending on your lifestyle.

Frankly I've donated to helping the poor world wide get food and
clean drinking water, not Vit. C.

You’ll be plessed by doing so, that’s very noble indeed! Agnes, good
food has vit C included if not extensivly coocked. You are providing
Vit C indirectly. Not in medical form -so to speak- but in food
containing it (fresh fruit, vegetables).

I’m 100 percent sure that I rather like to take vit C (even synthetic
made vit) myself instead of dumping it in a pickle bath. If not me,
others can use it more then that stupid pickle which can be made out
of other chemicals (if needed stronger ones). If you realy like to
boost your pickle, go for addition of some hydroperoxide which will
do much more then vit C.

Do as you pleases but I do not support this vit C idea.

Many people feel sorry for what happend with the victim’s of Sandy,
Katrina, Andrew but don’t think twice about what they are doing. Ask
Hanuman what he have seen and experienced during the flood. Think of
the devastating indian tsunami which has claimed more then 300 000
lives, directly and indirectly.

The ones who where lucky enough to survive the impact had to deal
with rotting corpses, overcrowded refugee camps and contaminated
freshwater. Must give you a pretty good feeling when you’re throwing
vitamines in a pickle bath!

We are so spoiled and lucky with all the luxury and medical support
we have.

Make a better world, start with yourself.

By the way, christmas is coming soon, think twice.

Thank you for the ones who are thinking the same way as I do. Thank
you for the ones who are taking their time to read this mail. I’m
most greatfull for the ones thinking about changing their thoughts
of using this vit C idea.

I let it go now, feel free to do what you like.
Have fun and enjoy


Crop rotation has been going on since the late 30's You're off by
at least a few thousand years :-) 

Crop rotation of one form or another has been practiced throughout
recorded history. The Romans used it, the Asians before that, and
English farmers went from a 2-crop to a 3-crop rotation around 800

Al Balmer
Pine City, NY

But Pedro - I tried to donate to India after the tsunami - they
didn’t want our money because their history has taught them that it
comes with ties that are too expensive. I have family roots that go
back to India and I did want to help. You are right about vitamin C
being very important Pedro - I take extra regularly and know first
hand that it can knock a common herpes virus for 6 quicker than any
of the so called anti-viral medications for cold sores. It’s powerful
stuff. I can imagine what it might do for other illnesses — read
Adelle Davis to learn more about nutrition. But it doesn’t fill a
person’s belly when they are crying for food. It does help
malnutrition but not starvation. Both have to be addressed. People
however do get turned off when they see millions donated and not
much accomplished - witness Haiti. It’s sad that people who skim from
good-intentioned donations ruin the chances of survival for those
who need the help for shelter, food, medicines. Often their own
governments did the same. Wish I could get back to making jewelry -
damn accident.


Oil came from both dino remains and vegetal matter and algaes. It
is like a well aged peat bog if we could take the peat and pressure
it into oil. But until we can figure out how to do that, petroleum
is finite. At least at our consumption levels. 

There is a branch of science called Thermodynamics. It basically
deals with such things how much energy we put in a reaction and how
much energy we get back. Thermodynamics says that it is only
possible to get as much heat out of burning stuff as it was used to
create it. The thing about petroleum that there is no way to make it
out of rotting organics. Just not enough energy in the process. As a
matter of fact, petroleum so reach in energy, that the only place
where it could be created is very deep, in the bowels of Earth
itself. And this process is going on as we speak, and it will go on
until there are tectonic processes. On our time scale it is forever.
This is so plainly obvious that it is ridiculously funny how many
people believe in that fossil theory of petroleum. It is like
believing that 2 + 2 = 11.

About proper pickle. I do not feel like writing long winded argument
about strong acid vs weak one. Just think of it - how much sense it
makes to try to use watchmaker screwdriver on #6 screw. That is in
essence what happens when instead of strong acid like sulphuric,
something for making lemonade is used. As far as danger of using
one, - a lot of things that are dangerous is used in goldsmith’s
shop. That what is training is about. To use dangerous things safely!

Leonid Surpin

Just as further insight into how we can learn to use renewable
resources better ---- we use a LOT of energy treating our domestic
sewage. In China, the average little farmer has his residential
toilet, such as it is, drain into a large reservoir in the ground and
the methane produced is used for cooking the nightly rice and
whatever little bit of meat they might have. And the World Bank is
helping them develop the technology and put it into wider use — now
there’s a good use for what we think of as unmentionable garbage that
only costs us money to treat it. After reading Aggie’s comments, I am
pretty darn sure she knows about septic systems and how much they
cost a farmer in the US or in Canada - maybe even Denmark, who
knows? Us girls been raised in the country, and we know manure when
we see it of any variety.

Barbara on a dark night on the Island, icing her knee and wrist and
sucking on painkillers for the back. Not much jewelry is going to be
made, despite wanting to reuse some old amber beads of her great
aunt’s in time for Christmas presents for the fantastic women in my
family tree!!!

On a PH scale citric acid/ascorbic acid is very weak and closer to 7.

The pH of citric acid is 0.8 for a 50% solution, 2.8 for a weak 0.1%
solution. From the EPA RED. (Reregistration Eligibility Document.)

Al Balmer
Pine City, NY

Hello Barbara,

But it doesn't fill a person's belly when they are crying for
food. It does help malnutrition but not starvation.

I agree with your statement, you are so right. I used the term ‘vit
C’ as medicine or/and food supply. It will never replace good food
nor natural vitamines.

To my believng, the best way to help others is to build a sort of 1
to 1 system. Eassier said then done, I know. The world is paved with
good intentions, however, the world will not be saved with it.

Have fun and enjoy

This is so plainly obvious that it is ridiculously funny how many
people believe in that fossil theory of petroleum. 

It’s not ridiculous at all. Until fairly recently, the fossil theory
was widely accepted even by scientists, and it’s what most people
learned in school. No need to belittle the layman for that. Ridicule
is not an effective teaching method.

The light version of the three laws of thermodynamics:

  1. You can’t win.
  2. You can’t even break even.
  3. You can’t get out of the game.

Al Balmer
Pine City, NY


Many things a body needs. Vit. C is going to be low on the list of
essentials. I will continue when I give, to do so in the form of
water, food (protein), shelter, and clothing. You are welcome to come
and have all the oranges on my trees. The amount of Vit. C that is
actually going to be used by jewelers in a pinch when their pickle
runs out, is not very many.

Aggie in FL. Now I am going to boil down zest to repurpose my citrus
fruit into pickle. Just to be pissy!

Crop rotation of one form or another has been practiced throughout
recorded history. The Romans used it, the Asians before that, and
English farmers went from a 2-crop to a 3-crop rotation around 800


I think I did say IN THE USA. It was not practiced here until post
dust bowl era. My father came to this country in 1916. He lived with
an elderly uncle in Danverika Nebraska until he could purchase his won
farm. I heard many of his stories about farming problems they were
having. It wasn’t so much that they rotated, but what they rotated
to. many years of rotating with with crops that only take nitrogen
(major component of farm fertilizers) and you deplete. Once it was
understood why one crop verses another worked and the nutrients that
would be replaced farming lept forward. Today where I grew up, they
are not even plowing under the former crop, cut discing the in the
fall. In the spring they are not planting in the old sense, but
drilling. It holds the moisture in better.

The pH of citric acid is 0.8 for a 50% solution, 2.8 for a weak 0.1%
solution. From the EPA RED. (Reregistration Eligibility Document.)

I go with the Merck Manual. Scale from 0 to 14 with 7 being the mid
the mid point of neutral. Hydrofluoric acid being 1. But if the EPA
has citric acid being stronger, I’m cutting down my orange trees.
Never eating tomatoes again, and running from strawberries. If you
have read all my posts, you will know I use a bi sulfate pickle. I
just gave a suggestion to a person who didn’t have jewelry pickle and
used an old recipe she had found for a substitute. Shat is this, she
is not criticized for it, but I get it instead? There are many here
that have not had a chemistry background. I bet the EPA would rather
they use a easily disposed of pickle, and not the nastier stuff.


Newton must never have stood on top of a silage pile covered for
curing. The algae that once upon a time on this planet covered most
the Earth, has died off. There are others, but the ancient form died.
It had the nice ability it converted the dead organic substances with
time and heat into petroleum. Unless we can synthesize a new version
of that algae, we are not going to infinitely have oil. That came out
about a year ago in Scientific America.

As for the pickle, I personally am not afraid to use the stronger
acids. One of the patinas I use incorporates swimming pool acid
(muriatic) in a contaminated pickle made extra strong. The stronger
the acid the faster it works on cleaning metals. Near boiling citric
acid will work in a minute or two.What is wrong with someone using an
old recipe that jewelers once used? Again, I was not the one who
brought the recipe up.

BTW I can work in platinum on down. I’m one of those with a lot of
training. Don’t assume unless you really know me, about whether I’m
trained or not.

I do several pieces a year in gold. I found a very lucrative niche
market with practically no competition. I concentrate on the work
that will pay the bills and more. As far as what you deem inferior or
not gem status, fine. It’s your opinion, just don’t belittle others
for liking something you don’t. I do not use man made stuff nor do I
use dyed crap. There are plenty of wonderful stones (semi precious
and just plain pretty) that I will use. Many deposits of jasper’s and
agates are much rarer than diamonds. It doesn’t make them as valuable.
It takes a person well versed in cutting cabs and such to capture the
beauty I know there are many here who do lapidary work. Don’t just
out of hand disparage their work.

Aggie, in the land of the mouse.

Just because some new age "goldsmiths" using it, it does not make
it right. 

First, I take exception to being referred to as a “goldsmith” in
quotes by a “gentleman” such as yourself. I’ve used citric as my
pickle for years, and I’m as much a goldsmith as anyone here.

Second, geez, it ain’t a moral question, so it isn’t about right or
wrong, it’s about works or doesn’t, and it works just fine.


Now I am going to boil down zest to repurpose my citrus fruit into

Personally, I candy my zest Aggie. Not pickle it. :wink:



Many things a body needs. Vit. C is going to be low on the list of
essentials. I will continue when I give, to do so in the form of
water, food (protein), shelter, and clothing. You are welcome to
come and have all the oranges on my trees. The amount of Vit. C
that is actually going to be used by jewelers in a pinch when their
pickle runs out, is not very many. 

What’s the need of glasses and candelight, if the owl doesn’t won’t
to see the daylight nice and bright. You’re missing the point of this

Thank you for the invitation, I can make some real nice orange juice
or marmelade out of the oranges. Homemade gifts made with the best
intentions. However, just a little out of course and to far away from
where I live.

Be as you wish to be, pissy or not. You’re a very nice person - to my
opinion- but with some backdraws.

Enjoy and have fun
All the best for you Aggie.