Thanks everyone for your tips. Sorry I didn’t write back sooner. I
was in a car accident over the weekend and the car was totaled…we
were unhurt, but it takes an amazingly long time to get home without
your car!
15-20% is fine with me, I just had needed to know what current going
rates are and had really no idea. I’m not worried about losing my
beaded necklaces (I’ll have insurance anyway). It’s just that I am
thinking about the safety of the sales rep. Wheeling a jeweler’s case
around the city makes one a target, no matter if the jewelry inside
is fine or costume. I want her to be safe.
Just one more question…and this is probably relative. Is it
possible to define “sample” for me? What makes a good sample
amount…20, 30, 100 pieces? Is she selling normally right out of the
case or taking orders?
Kim Starbard