Roller replacement for mill

Hi I’m trying to find roller replacements for a mill that I bought
over 15-20 years ago. The ones that are on it right now have little
patches of rust, and I would much prefer to have all flat rollers,
rather than BD flat and BD wire which is what is on there now.

The sales rep at the company says that they no longer carry that
line, and although he said he would try to seek out new rollers, he
didn’t seem positive that he would succeed.

The only identifying mark on the piece is a plate that reads GFC T.
The rep said that this probably means that Grobet carried the unit
at the time.

Other than that, the body of the unit is gray, with indicating dials
and arrows of a robin’s egg blue color on top of the lifting gears.
The numbers on the indicating dials run from 0 through 14 with marks
halfway between them as well. The words "un giro del disco-mm 1.5"
appear on each of the dials.

The turning gears on the side of the rollers have 13 teeth each, I
believe. The rollers are approximately 12 centimeters wide and
6.5centimeters in diameter.

If anyone could give me an idea of where to find the rollers, and
also where to find directions on how to replace them as well as
general care and feeding instructions on this unit, I would
appreciate it.

Thank you
Jim Benson

It sounds like a copy of a cavalin mill progress machine tool has
cavalin parts I can resurface the rolls that you have if you want to
keep them I have an O D grinder and have resurfaced many rolls
successfully as long as the case hardening is deep enough and the
damage is not to severe you will not have to reharden them. I can
also modify the grooves on some rollers as well and make outboard
rollers that attach to the side of mills. I just repaired a mill
that someone ran steele screen through in an attempt to transfer the
pattern to silver but they transfred the pattern permanently to the
rolls It cleaned up ok but it may need to be reheat treated. hope
this helps

Sincerely Kevin Potter

Sounds like a Cavillin mill. Italian. Used to be one of the
standards before Durston came along. I’m sure I’ve seen these mills
in Grobet catalogues…

Hope this helps. Andy

Dear Jim,

Your mill is made by F.lli Cavallin in Italy—one of the most
prominent manufacturers of rolling mills in the world. They are
Italian. Website: If they can’t replace
the the rolls, a GOOD machine shop should be able to do it. But I
think Cavallin should be able to help you.

Good luck!
Janet in Jerusalem

Hi jim this description fits my rolling mill, has it got three
horses heads as an image on it too? The company is F.lli CAVALLIN
Srl, I don’t have any contact details though. They are Italian, good
luck, Christine


You need not get these from Italy. They will e available here in the
US Contact you nearest Supply House.

If you need help locating one call me 1-800-221 4812

Kenneth Singh