Rio Grande's Midas Tarnish Shield

Does anyone have any experience using Rio Grande’s Midas Tarnish
Shield? I’m always looking for ways to eliminate/reduce silver from
tarnishing, but I’ve never used this product. Supposedly most
polishing cloths leave some kind of residue behind on the surface of
the item being cleaned to retard future tarnishing; does this
product work significantly better than simply polishing w/ a polish


Do any of you have any experience with Rio Grande’s “Midas Tarnish
Shield” (page 283 of the display & packaging catalog)? I’m always
searching for ways to retard / prevent silver from tarnishing inside
the display cases, and would like to know how effective this product



I have been using this product for about 4 months. I have no
complaints and it seems to work. I also store my pieces in zip-lok
bags with a small piece of anti-tarnish strip. Rarely have any
tarnish except on an occasional solder ghost I didn’t realize was

J. S. Ellington