Im about to Rhodium a pendant set with a very large very expensive
Kunzite. Has anyone had any issues with this stone and Rhodium. I
to be aware of Peridot and sometimes Tourmaline. But not had any
experience with Kunzite. Any advice much appreciated.
Phil W
Im about to Rhodium a pendant set with a very large very expensive
Your email had me drooling! I adore Kunzite, especially the large,
expensive lilac-coloured ones that I hope to be able to treat myself
to at some point.
If the plating solutions ae hot, I would pre-warm the kunzite in warm
water, gradually raising the temp. Sudden heat changes will cause
spontaneous cleavage in kunzite, which is notorious for cleaving
easily. BTW, regardless of size, kunzite is a rather inexpensive
stone. Even in the very rare, very intense purple-pink colors, large
stones do not exceed $100/c. Pink ones are much less. Flawless
crystals weighing kilos are common.