Reticulation using a kiln

This is probably a stupid question so please be patient. I’m planning
on having a go at reticulating some silver in the next couple of
days using my kiln, as suggested by Tim.

Can someone please tell me if I should use a bare shelf, one with
kiln wash or fibre paper. I don’t want to contaminate my silver
whilst heating.

Thanks for your help

This is probably a stupid question so please be patient. I’m planning
on having a go at reticulating some silver in the next couple of
days using my kiln, as suggested by Tim.

Can someone please tell me if I should use a bare shelf, one with
kiln wash or fibre paper. I don’t want to contaminate my silver
whilst heating.

Thanks for your help

reticulating some silver using kiln do I use bare shelf, one with
kiln wash or fibre paper. 

Toni, I haven’t seen any answers yet, but I reticulate and granulate
using a small behive kiln with bare shelf. This kiln is completely
open without the little dome lid in place and I got it on Ebay for
just this purpose. I don’t know what kind of kiln you have but I’d
think you should be very careful using a normal kiln so that you
don’t damage torch hoses.

Donna in VA

Hi Toni,

As long as the surface is clean, I think that any of those options
will be fine.

Cynthia Eid