Can any of you reticulation experts tell me if I can make a
reticulated bracelet - or ring - with part of it reticulated and
part of it unaltered by heat, i.e., shiny when polished. Or…do I
have to solder the unreticulated border to the reticulated part?
Thank you for any advice you can give me.
Can any of you reticulation experts tell me if I can make a
reticulated bracelet - or ring - with part of it reticulated and
part of it unaltered by heat, i.e., shiny when polished.
Steel over the parts you don’t want reticulated works well. I happen
to have some 1/4" flat cold rolled bar stock I use for this purpose.
Katherine Palochak
Sheridan, I am currently taking an 8 week Reticulation class at UCSD.
Today we torched the silver ans were able to leave some spaces
between the reticulated area by careful placing of the flame.
To then turn it into something wearable, we will next fuse 22 ga
wire onto the edge of the reticulation.
The piece itself is a bit brittle and is best cold connected onto a
backing which can be more easily manipulated.
I hope this helps a bit. Next week I will know more, I hope.
I am no expert but playing with this i did the following. To a sheet
of silver i paint it with “liquid Paper” stripes like zebra and then
apply the torch to the rest, it work!, but the sheet cain of bend a
little so then i had to make it flat again carefully.
Alvaro Diaz Codoceo
Santiago, Chile