Hey all Ganoksinites,
We are just finishing up our new catalog and preparing for a world
wide mailing. My hand is hovering over the “To Delet” button. This
means that if we have not heard from you in two years you are gone!
Off the list! That’s almost 2,000 in the USA and another 710 world
wide. Now is the time to contact us DIRECTLY, do not respond through
Ganoksin.(Hanuman will have my hide on the wall!) Have you moved? Do
we still know where you are? If not now is the time! Send to: info at
reactivemetals dot com
The catalog will always be available at www.reactivemetals.com. It is
not there yet… another month? We are very excited it is
interactive, all color and fluid, ever changing, always up to date.
Boy, I hope we can pull this off. It has been a long time coming…