Re: [Ganoksin Orchid] Summary for August 23


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All activity on Ganoksin Orchid for August 22

This ‘Ganoksin/Orchid update’ is so essential and as well as happy that you emailed this to ‘us’. Thanks!

Hi everyone

Since April 20th (4 months ago), I have written 444 pages of ‘setting notes’ on 65+ topics, this is including 708 photographs. The total ‘views’ have now hit 7,318 jewellers around the world and these folks have read some if not, all of them. I still have

another 12 topics remaining to ‘edit & write’. I’m aiming for at least 100 topics.

*“Don’t sit there and read this update, get over to my ‘blog’, do some learning & have fun!”…:>) *

These next essays are not simple ‘one-sheet’ essays, as some of these newer topics might be at least 10 or more pages in length.

Thanks Gerry for all you are doing to promote and preserve the traditional skills of our wonderful trade.

I’m one of the lucky ones who got your CDs some years ago along with a set of your gravers (you may remember a Canadian bank manager was visiting and he took the payment back with him).

I still do keep following you on Orchid and your blog. I’m semi retired now but still doing some and teaching basic skills - the jewellery schools here in the UK tend to teach CAD now and not how to use a file or saw etc. our how to make jewellery.

Thanks again and all the best

Robin Key

Clavis Jewellery


Hi Robin Key

Your letter was so great to read. How can a ‘school of higher learning’ in the jewellery profession neglect to teach the very basics & techniques of manufacturing? I learned how to use a saw blade & file on (brass) metal when I was 16 years old.

Back in those earlier learning years; either you learned & practised ‘the basics’, or you were fired!

In my essay’s, I realize the fact that many of the newer jewellers who are reading my notes have some form of education in creating jewellery. But to read that some schools don’t teach this, pity!..OUCH!

The art college that I attended used to traditially have a jeweller as principle and it was a great place. That changed and 3D design took over. People like David Cruickshank from Australia preceded me. The department head that was there when i was has items in the Scottish collection in the first ministers (PM) residence. At the last end of year exhibition I went to had only two actual pieces on show. One was a piece of scrunched up newspaper on a piece of wire and the other was 4 square bits of plexiglass on a bit of wire the rest were CAD screen dumps not even the wax from the printer.

I teach and only charge for sum materials as most have huge collage/ university debts to pay off. 9 of my students now earn their living as jewellers and many more part time. I don’t want our profession to die out. There are very few apprentiships available. There are a few private schools and a small amount of collages still teaching some part time. England is a bit better but not a lot.

