Rcv'g Orchid posts

Hello everyone!

As I walked upstairs from the (garage) bench just now, I realized
how lovely it was to return from work and know I could sit down with
a cup of tea and enjoy the onslaught of Orchid posts arriving in my
mailbox every second, and how much a part of my routine that has
become. If I’m crazed in the evenings I will save them for the
morning, occasionally scanning the subject lines in case there was
something calling my name that just couldn’t wait those 12 hours.

It made me think about the fact that here we are, scattered all over
the globe, getting these posts at different times of the day and at
different moments in our routines, and how we probably each (well,
those of us who land on the slightly ‘obsessive’ side of things!)
have our own little rituals or sensibilites built up around reading
our daily Orchid fix.

I just love seeing the messages flood in and knowing that many of
you are out there reading them right along with me! They’re like
little gifts arriving every day…pretty darn special.

With sentimentality, gratitude, and hopes for peace in these
terrifying times,

Jessica in San Francisco, who can hear her fiance and our doggie
romping around in the back garden as I type. :slight_smile:

They're like little gifts arriving every day...pretty darn special.
With sentimentality, gratitude, and hopes for peace in these
terrifying times, 

Hi Jessica, you express the exact same feelings I have, lots of
kindred souls out there, it does make the world closer to your own
life. Marta Irvin in Sacramento

To Jessica in S.F., You said it perfectly:

 I just love seeing the messages flood in and knowing that many of
you are out there reading them right along with me! They're like
little gifts arriving every day...pretty darn special. With
sentimentality, gratitude, and hopes for peace in these terrifying
times, " 

Orchid is a global community with sharing, kind members. I am
truely in awe of Hanuman/Dr.Aspler who does an amazing thing
moderating this forum. Thanks also go to Charles Lewton-Brain and
his concept. So looking forward to seeing many of you in Tucson!!
Judy in Kansas

Judy M. Willingham, R.S.
Biological and Agricultural Engineering
237 Seaton Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan KS 66506
(785) 532-2936

I’ll jump on the bandwagon here! 3 years ago I knew absolutely
nothing about making jewelry or working with metal. I had (among
other things) worked as a marine biologist and oil/gas directional
driller…for many of those years my “secret” dream was to learn
metal sculpture and metal working techniques. When I met my wife,
Carmon, she was just a few months into getting her own
design/manufacturing business and subbing out her soldering jobs. It
wasn’t long before she had me at the bench, grinding, polishing and I
bought a torch and taught myself (with a lot of help from Tim
McCreight’s book) to solder. It wasn’t long before I stumbled across
Orchid and couldn’t believe the treasure trove I had discovered! I
had approached jewelers and crafts people at art shows when I saw
something that was interesting or done especially well. As soon as
they got any indication that I made jewelry or did metal work, they
almost always instantly clammed up. Some were more polite than
others…some were just rude and nearly hostile. It usually made (and
still does at times) me angry because the implication is that you
intend to copy their work. Excuse me! I have my own ideas! I refer
to to them as having SSS curse, Secret Society Syndrome.

I have picked up so many great tips and seen the exchange of so much
wonderful info. on this list…it is very inspiring and affirming to
have this community and resource.

As I’m completing my first steel plate sculpture and fabricating my
own jewlery designs…many, many thanks to Dr. Aspler, CLB and the
members of this community.

Mike Dibble
Black Horse Design