A friend of mine was in today and asked if I needed any RP done, so
I told hime I’d put it out there on Orchid and Who Knows? I will say
that he’s someone I know, and he’s a perfectly fine person and
upstanding guy and all, but we’re not best pals, either. Meaning
that if anything good happens from him, give me credit, if anything
bad happens, don’t say, “Well, you recommended him!!”. A little joke,
but some truth, too. They have one RP machine that does the ABS
process - and he says he’s solved the problems of burning out ABS,
too. He’s about to take delivery on a new machine of much higher
resolution, too, though. He is: Mike Leon, Mea Cinis, 1500 Grant Ave,
San Francisco, 94133, macjedi2k@yahoo.com. There is a web site,
mea-cinis.com, but there’s no content there.