I know what you are talking about with people and disabilities. My
problem a big problem is that I don’t look disabled ( then again,
don’t ask my brothers about that* lol *)
Mine is mostly spinal, nerve, chronic pain and back problems so its
not visual. And with medication, and lucky enough to have a good day,
you wouldn’t be able to tell. That is when I mostly over due things
and I pay for it dearly over the next couple days with increased pain
levels. So I get it 2 fold. I get it from people who know I have a
disability, and I get it from people who don’t and then find out.
They are the ones who instantly say I must be faking it and hear all
the jokes about being on TV one night from a hidden camera like they
have on the news once in a while.
You never get use to it, but you learn to ignore it after a while.
Or at least try to.
Like when I have tried for apprenticeships, more than a few times
have I been welcomed to come and talk to jewelers, but being as I
don’t want to lie or mislead them, I tell them about my problem. That
is where to conversation turns. I’ve had people immediately say
things like they have ADD or Dyslexia, or, I have a bad back I know
what you mean. I really don’t know why they say this, but its usually
followed by followed by, "we really don’t have time to train anyone."
Then I think, but you told me to come in and see you about one?
Now some of those same people have turned out to be good friends and
have helped me if I ever had a jewelry related question, but I doubt
I would ever see anyone with a disability work for them. I think a
lot of it has to do with the jewelry Image as much as not
understanding disabilities. High class and perfection. is a common
theme that jewelers portray. Which is good because I doubt anyone
would by from a store that promoted low class and sloppy work * lol *
Even though I don’t have the type cast look of a disabled person, I
still am, and that is enough to turn them off me. In a way, I
understand it, as they are just doing what they feel if good for
their business, and that is how they make a living. One of the things
I always do, and my X wife hated it, was try to look at things from
both sides. I try to understand why a person would say or do
something when there is a problem. I find it does 2 major things for
me. One is that the time I spend considering all the ways one might
approach a situation, I cool off myself. And Second, If I look at it
from their view point, I have a much better chance at, at least
calming the situation. I don’t assume every thing can come out to my
benefit, but at least to the point where I don’t get punched ! * lol
Thanks to everyone here for the encouragement and ideas. It has been
a great help