[Quincy, Illinois] Gem City Jewelry School


I know what you are talking about with people and disabilities. My
problem a big problem is that I don’t look disabled ( then again,
don’t ask my brothers about that* lol *)

Mine is mostly spinal, nerve, chronic pain and back problems so its
not visual. And with medication, and lucky enough to have a good day,
you wouldn’t be able to tell. That is when I mostly over due things
and I pay for it dearly over the next couple days with increased pain
levels. So I get it 2 fold. I get it from people who know I have a
disability, and I get it from people who don’t and then find out.
They are the ones who instantly say I must be faking it and hear all
the jokes about being on TV one night from a hidden camera like they
have on the news once in a while.

You never get use to it, but you learn to ignore it after a while.
Or at least try to.

Like when I have tried for apprenticeships, more than a few times
have I been welcomed to come and talk to jewelers, but being as I
don’t want to lie or mislead them, I tell them about my problem. That
is where to conversation turns. I’ve had people immediately say
things like they have ADD or Dyslexia, or, I have a bad back I know
what you mean. I really don’t know why they say this, but its usually
followed by followed by, "we really don’t have time to train anyone."
Then I think, but you told me to come in and see you about one?

Now some of those same people have turned out to be good friends and
have helped me if I ever had a jewelry related question, but I doubt
I would ever see anyone with a disability work for them. I think a
lot of it has to do with the jewelry Image as much as not
understanding disabilities. High class and perfection. is a common
theme that jewelers portray. Which is good because I doubt anyone
would by from a store that promoted low class and sloppy work * lol *
Even though I don’t have the type cast look of a disabled person, I
still am, and that is enough to turn them off me. In a way, I
understand it, as they are just doing what they feel if good for
their business, and that is how they make a living. One of the things
I always do, and my X wife hated it, was try to look at things from
both sides. I try to understand why a person would say or do
something when there is a problem. I find it does 2 major things for
me. One is that the time I spend considering all the ways one might
approach a situation, I cool off myself. And Second, If I look at it
from their view point, I have a much better chance at, at least
calming the situation. I don’t assume every thing can come out to my
benefit, but at least to the point where I don’t get punched ! * lol

Thanks to everyone here for the encouragement and ideas. It has been
a great help

One thing I have learned over the years (over 60) is that ignorance
is curable, and stupidity is for forever.

How close is Washington University in St. Louis to where you live ?
This school used to have a great metals program maybe it still does,
and your vo rehab would have less problems accepting your
application to that school.



Washington University Use to have a great metals program. Like many
universities here in St Louis, they dropped it. Maryville, a private
university ( big bucks) has a great program. SIUE in Edwardsville
Illinois about 25 minutes from St. Louis has a great program as
well.But because I live in Missouri and SIUE in Illinois, it would
cost about the same to go to Maryville, whose instructors trained
under the same main instructor at SIUE) SIUC, Carbondale Illinois is
world famous for its jewelry program, but that is really to far and
to expensive, once again, I"m out of state there.

There is an independent place in St. Louis called Craft Alliance. It
has pretty good jewelry classes, but they are kind of expensive for
me. I emailed them about financial aid and other options, but have
not heard back yet. Who knows, I might get lucky one of these days.
But until then, I just keep on looking around and practicing in my
basement and hope something happens.
