Quality tools

Does anyone have a good source for really high quality nippers?
I have been buying Lindstrom nippers from Gesswein for about
$45.00 a pair for years and they really dont hold up (but they
are better than anything else I’ve tried). They are great for
getting into tight spaces, clipping prongs ect. But they tend to
chip or break even when you are careful (well obviously I am not
being super careful). If they can put a man on the moon, why
can’t they make a pair of nippers that will last? There has got
to be something better. And I hope you know what it is.

Mark P.

I’ve only ever broken one pair of lindstroms (on piano wire!)
and after regrinding they have worked fine for the past 25 years.
And they can’t put a man on the moon anymore.

Richard D. Hamilton

Fabricated 14k, 18k, and platinum Jewelry
wax carving, modelmaking, jewelry photography


At your local hardware store you can get a Carbide tipped tile
nipper.These nippers will last a lifetime on metal.Even on
Gemstones I get months to years.Unfortunately they are large,and
stock they don’t close all the way.But you can file the stops and
make them close.So as long as you can get to it it will service
well.They cost $16 to $20+.

                                     Mark Liccini

Gemstone Rough Dealers since 1970 U.S.MAIL
E-Mail: @Mark_Liccini1 107 C.Columbus Dr.#1A
http://www.LICCINI.com Jersey City,N.J.07302
Voice Mail/Fax: 201-333-6332


I have both channellock and diamond brands. I use the diagonal
diamond brand everyday for the past 7 years and have had no
trouble. The channellocks are end nippers and are only a couple
of years old. I have had no problems with either. I bought
them both at a local hardware store for under $15.00 each. If
the store has either brand they can order them for you.


                                  Skip Meister
                                NRA Endowment and


I have several pairs of my father’s old Lindstroms - all over
fifty years old and still gorgeous. I agree on old tools, the
ones that I inherited from my father are vastly superior in
quality to what I would have to purchase today and of course, the
price was right!



Well, the price was always hard to pay. Good tools are
expensive, but always a bargain over time, they last! And the old
timers I knew years ago were complaining about the tool quality
too! Sometime in the past the tools must have been perfect. If we
had a time machine…

Richard D. Hamilton

Fabricated 14k, 18k, and platinum Jewelry
wax carving, modelmaking, jewelry photography


hi mark,
progress machine and tool in l.a. has lindstrom stuff for about
20% less. i had terrible luck with their flush nippers, same as
you, then i went to their semi-flush and have broken only one
pair in about five years. it also helped when i figured out what
those numbers on the inside of the handle meant, just kidding!

as for another line of pliers, i took a workshop and someone had
a really tuff set of pliers. i have this someones card, he was
supposed to get back to me, i will call him and get back to you.
i do remember the supplier is in portland, or.

geo fox

I have several pairs of my father’s old Lindstroms - all over
fifty years old and still gorgeous

In my post I mentioned trouble with my Lindstrom nippers. My
Lindstom wire cutters have lasted many years without any trouble.
The problem is with the Linstrom oblique nippers, they are
designed for .8mm copper wire. I am using them for hard to reach
prongs and wires (always gold, silver or platinum). They have
tended to chip. I ordered a new pair and it had gaps and nicks,
sheesh it was brand new! I was hoping that I was not using the
finest tool and someone might recommend a better brand. Know of

Mark P.

You get what you pay for when you buy tools. I always buy the
best that I can afford. The catalogs all have the pliers for $25
to $30 each, then the cheap page where everything costs $5 or
$10. It is always less expensive to start out with the good tools
because you will be buying them anyway. When you buy the $5
pliers, you can usually expect to be buying the $30 a couple
weeks later. Just the way it goes.

Bill Raby

progress machine and tool in l.a. has lindstrom stuff for about
20% less. i had terrible luck with their flush nippers, same as
you, as for another line of pliers, i took a workshop and someone
had a really tuff set of pliers.

Thanks alot, would you happen to progress machine and tools
phone number?

Mark P.

When you buy the $5 pliers, you can usually expect to be buying
the $30 a couple weeks later.

The Lindstom nippers I’m talking about cost $45.00 a pair. Thats
my point They are supposed to be the best but don’t preform. All
my other Lindstroms are great.

Mark P.

The Lindstom nippers I’m talking about cost $45.00 a pair. Thats
my point They are supposed to be the best but don’t preform. All
my other Lindstroms are great.

If you are willing to pay that kind of money why not start off
with just a cheap Taiwan nipper as a blank($2-5)or one of your
worn out Lindstoms and go to a local machine shop to have carbide
tips fused on the ends??I put up an earlier post about carbide
tipped tile nippers.I use them for stone and they last forever.If
you problem with the Lindstom is premature wear this is your
answer and if you use them as your blank,you will get the same
feel and performance.

                                      Mark Liccini

Gemstone Rough Dealers since 1970 U.S.MAIL
E-Mail: @Mark_Liccini1 107 C.Columbus Dr.#1A
http://www.LICCINI.com Jersey City,N.J.07302
Voice Mail/Fax: 201-333-6332

I would be interested to know which particular Lindsrtom nippers
you think do not do the job properly. I am UK based and have
used Lindstrom quite a lot. they are regarded as the best here,
but are certainly expensive. I have a pair of end nippers which
are well over 10 years old which I have just sharpened. In my
experience they can only be used within the limited range that
the manufacturer stipulates.

Richard Whitehouse
Ardleigh Workshop
Phone: 01206 230117 (UK)
+44 1206 230117 (Oversees)

hi mark,

my friend, ray holliday, got back to me about the source of some
quality pliers and nippers. i don’t have any price info but here
is the supplier: d. agiv enterprises, inc. 800.521.0843. the name
of the line is ‘durox’ 2000 hm series. they have several(!) types
of oblique cutters and pliers. i only used this brand of plier
briefly in a workshop ray was hosting. he mentioned they were
cheaper than lindstrom. they were definitely more comfortable.
call and get a catalog, i am.

best regards,

geo fox