This is for you jewelry folks who are also programming types.
I have been tinkering with some graphics programs which produce 3D
effects, and I’ve been focusing my work on shapes which might be of
interest to jewelry designers. The language I’m using is Qbasic. The
programs are short, with relatively simple algorithms which should be easy
to translate to other versions of Basic & to other languages.
If anyone is interested, I can e-mail them some ASCII source code (which
should be treated as public domain material). If I get an extremely large
number of responses, I may post programs to the list.
Joel Kahn <@Joel_Kahn>
Comptroller for Maxon’s Jewelers
Diamond Merchants & Estate Jewelers
Authorized Dealer for Rolex & Tag Heuer
2622 S Glenstone, Springfield Missouri 65804 USA
Voice: 417-887-1800 or 417-887-1809
Fax: 417-887-3422
I assume these are programs you have written in Qbasic… are they packaged
like a Macro??? such that I could use them with other Macro-like code or
would I just use the program for what it does and modifying it to my own
purpose??.. Of course, send how every you feel is appropriate.
At 07:31 AM 10/29/96 -0600, you wrote:
I have been tinkering with some graphics programs which produce 3D
effects, and I’ve been focusing my work on shapes which might be of
interest to jewelry designers. The language I’m using is Qbasic. The
programs are short, with relatively simple algorithms which should be easy
to translate to other versions of Basic & to other languages.
If anyone is interested, I can e-mail them some ASCII source code (which
should be treated as public domain material).
I’d be interested in checking that out.
Bruce D. Holmgrain
Snail Mail: POB 7972, McLean, VA 22106
Just to add something to the thread. How about Quick Basic for Windows? I
program with this language (and others) as part of my consulting business.
Although the syntex is fairly simple BASIC-like, the end result is a Windows
3.1, WIndows NT, or even (shudder) a Windows 95 program. If the algorithms
are available, I would be willing to help with conversion to Windows. The
graphics interface is much easier. We could work together to create programs
we all can use.
Thanks for this forum.
Greetings Joel,
I would welcome seeing some of your QBasic work.
Best Regards
Clive Billing
P.S Don’t forget to add GemNet to your C.C of E-Mails
Joel Kahn wrote:
Just to add something to the thread. How about Quick Basic for Windows? I
program with this language (and others) as part of my consulting business.
Although the syntex is fairly simple BASIC-like, the end result is a Windows
3.1, WIndows NT, or even (shudder) a Windows 95 program. If the algorithms
are available, I would be willing to help with conversion to Windows. The
graphics interface is much easier. We could work together to create programs
we all can use.
Sounds good. I encourage any & all programmers to adapt these programs
into any languages on any platforms that they like.
And here’s another program:
RingMover = 0
Stepper = .0245
InterMultX = 3
InterMultY = 3
BoxMultX1 = .9
BoxMultY1 = .08
BoxMultX2 = .9
BoxMultY2 = .08
X = 320: Y = 6
10 RingMover = RingMover + Stepper
X = X + InterMultX * COS(RingMover)
Y = Y + InterMultY * SIN(RingMover)
StartX1 = X - Y * BoxMultX1: StartY1 = Y - Y * BoxMultY1
EndX1 = X + Y * BoxMultX2: EndY1 = Y + Y * BoxMultY2
LINE (StartX1, StartY1)-(EndX1, EndY1), 0, BF
LINE (StartX1, StartY1)-(EndX1, EndY1), 1, B
StartX2 = 639 - StartX1: StartY2 = 479 - StartY1
EndX2 = 639 - EndX1: EndY2 = 479 - EndY1
LINE (StartX2, StartY2)-(EndX2, EndY2), 0, BF
LINE (StartX2, StartY2)-(EndX2, EndY2), 1, B
Joel Kahn <@Joel_Kahn>
Comptroller for Maxon’s Jewelers
Diamond Merchants & Estate Jewelers
Authorized Dealer for Rolex & Tag Heuer
2622 S Glenstone, Springfield Missouri 65804 USA
Voice: 417-887-1800 or 417-887-1809
Fax: 417-887-3422
So far, the only direct response I’ve received about the source code I
posted has been a brief critique of my programming style.
Has anyone tried running any of these programs? Have any images been
produced? Were the images of any interest? Do you want more code?
Before I post any more listings, I’d like to know whether I’m
accomplishing something useful or just wasting bandwidth . . .
Joel Kahn <@Joel_Kahn>
Comptroller for Maxon’s Jewelers
Diamond Merchants & Estate Jewelers
Authorized Dealer for Rolex & Tag Heuer
2622 S Glenstone, Springfield Missouri 65804 USA
Voice: 417-887-1800 or 417-887-1809
Fax: 417-887-3422
Keep it up we are storing them in our files. Lloyd
I have the best intentions, but TIME… Have to learn Basic or Q.
I intend to get there…
At 05:42 AM 11/2/96 -0600, you wrote: