Purple gold 18 cts

hi evrybody, y have try to do purple gold yesterday,aluminium/pure
gold but y’m very desapointed ! the color is fantastic! but it’s
impossible to work the metal ; he’s fragile as glass ! anyone has some
experience ? regards erick

it’s the nature of the beast Eric… if anything can be done it
would have to be induction molded in a oxygen free environment with
no work done after cept a polish…ringman

erick, Here is a formular from Creative Casting by Shar Choate
published in 1966 by Crown Publishers, Inc., NY (Library of
Congress # 66-26173)

Don’t know if it is still in print, but the Appendix is full of

18 kt. purple: = Fine gold 75% + alluminum 23% + thorium 1
1/2% + tin 1/2%

Good luck,

    18 kt. purple:  =  Fine gold 75%  +  alluminum 23%  +  thorium
1 1/2%  +  tin 1/2% 

Thorium is radioactive so I would not use it if I were you. Jim