Princess cut tanzanite

I managed to successfully set one,in 14kw prongs. I’d put up a photo but quite frankly, the mounting the customer picked out was kinda fugly. I was sweating bullets,oh and did I mention he brought it in at 2pm and the salesperson said “no problem, you can come back in an hour”

anyway, this is another diamond remount I did not too long ago, and I like this one!1544195549680

Next time have them come back the next day. When you’re under stress like that, mistakes will definitely occur!
If the ring is that difficult, have them sign a waiver that releases you of any responsibility if the stone gets damaged!

”Better be safe, than sorry!”

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Gerry, you haven’t changed the address of your blog in your phone signature, so anyone who clicks on the link will get a 404 error.


I just “Google(d)” the name below and it comes up with my information. As for the ‘404’ problem, I’ll look into this asap. Thanks for your undivided help in this matter. Unfortunately, I have some health problems to contend with at the same time…:>(