Primitive methods for cutting jade

How can I cut and polish Jade without machinery ? ? As they did in
New Zealand many years ago.

Kind regards,
Brian Crocker

    How can I cut and polish Jade without machinery ? ? As they
did in New Zealand many years ago. 

This is a good website to get you started:

It focuses on Egyptian techniques, but I imaging many of the
practices are the same.


I can’t speak much for Aboriginal techniques, but the primitive
methods don’t change much.

You use loose abrasives and a variety of tools to carry them. I’ve
gotten surprisingly fast results with bamboo skewers, copper and
brass wire, and other such items. Try On Divers Arts (ISBN
0-486-23784-2) for a good description of 12th century European
lapidary work. (Just ignore the bit about the goat blood). You
would be amazed at how much material can be removed with a leather
thong charged with a fairly coarse grit.

On Divers Arts: The Foremost Medieval Treatise on Painting,
Glassmaking, and Metalwork

By Called Also Rugerus. Theophilus

Price: $10.17

Media: Paperback
Manufacturer : Dover Publications
Release data : 01 June, 1979

Ron Charlotte – Gainesville, FL
@Ron_Charlotte1 OR Mary Lou and Jay are very
knowledgeable and can help.

Hi Brian ! I hope you have lots of time ! My understanding of Maori
jade cutting is - they used thred - flax rope - loaded with sand and
pulled back and forwards by hand , to cut the large blocks into the
required size , then did the shaping with sandstone blocks , the
final polish was done by rubbing the piece on some exposed skin - the
body oils did the polishing and imparted a bit of the owner to the
stone . I think I have some more info somewhere if anyone is
interested !

Best wishes from sunney Nelson
Philip Wells