Prices showing/HAGGLING

    haggling.  I personally despise  haggling. Considering the
time and effort that goes into my work,

(I am a small operator) in my opinion I don’t haggle - my price
is what it is- I do not want to start on the spot haggling for all
to hear (a.) the process has a cheap and unprofessional touch to
it and (b) once you haggle one piece you have to be prepared to
haggle the lot. I do sometimes discount if things are slow, like a
special but I do not haggle on the special price either. As a
thought>> I have found it more effective to give away some of
the slower ( but equally nice) piece(s) to a school raffle or the
like, the piece of jewellery nicely boxed and with business cards
etc. and call it Marketing-- the response from this is really good
the school or worthy cause thinks your donation is a lovely
thought. They( the organisation) then all talk about the work and
this I find leads to inquiry and new sales. Even when the
organisation concerned are selling the raffle tickets, they are
advertising your work for you by exposing the jewellery to alot of
people.>>> ( It also gives me a sense of personal pleasure to
give.) Word of mouth is a great advertiser.

Marjorie Lord