So I’m getting ready for a show that’s this coming weekend, and I
always find it interesting that right before a show, I suddenly have
800 ideas that I just HAVE to make for the show, which is of course
usually only days away at that point. I’m sure I’m not the only one,
right? I’m sure others of you out there have experienced the same
thing, that rush of creativity that comes with getting ready for the
opportunity to sell your wares, putting them out there for the world
to see, saying, “this is what I have to offer you, this is an
extension of myself, and I’ve worked very hard to create the most
interesting collection you can find anywhere”, or something like
that. As I’m sitting here waiting for a piece I just made, a
polymer clay inlaid silver pendant, to fully bake, I know know that
since I have to pack up to leave for this show in just a few days,
and there’s plenty of other less exciting prep work to do, this
really should be the last piece I do, but there are “just a couple
more little ones” that I will probably try to do. I was thinking
then, too, how this is rather an interesting phenomenon, and I
wonder what other opinions of it are. Thoughts? Comments? Interesting
“last minute rush of creativity” stories? Just thought I’d put it out
there & see what we learn.
Designs by Lisa Gallagher