A note: BE CERTAIN to stipulate what YOU think are appropriate uses
and specific scenarios for the disposal of your equipment. I for one
would not consider donating my tools, etc. to any school.
non-profit, etc. that has no metals program unless they show you a
plan for one in the future(near future). I have been involved in gem
and mineral societies and they run schools with ongoing metals
programmes - Clubs however are not as permanent and those I have had
membership in were run by frankly, elderly people that would come
when they could - so on irregular schedules, and had no permanent
shop. So in donating equipment meant to be used an ongoing school
like, the east coast Wild Acres may be a good choice. William Holland
though would not get a saw frame from me as their
administration/owner is less than professional and driven by
personalities, in no way fair or devoted to advancing the skills of
students despite what one may read.- it is quite misleading as are
the policies and some instructors personal relationship(s) with the
administration cloud the latitude they are allowed with student fees,
costs, etc. Penland is well endowed and needs no gifts of
equipment, whereas when estates are liquidated scholarships may be
set up and your monies will continue on as they will be invested
somewhat wisely and designed to last as long as the funds produce.,
John C. Campbell Folk School would use any gifts quite well- but
again stipulations as to being for school use and not to be placed in
any individual’s studio should be made.
There are a number of emerging crafts schools in the southern
highlands" crafts triangle" and I would personally, be wary of their
ability to survive as I think of a recent venture on the West
coast(in Washington state) that didn’t make it past 7 years as it was
originally set up. A local trades school or community college are
good avenues to explore, as are lapidary clubs (often having metals
programmes too). some of you know about the plight of New Orleans and
that it has still not recovered from hurricane Katrina in areas
outside the tourist districts - there is great need in the elementary
and secondary schools as well as community colleges. Some of which
have metals programmes. I know that some of them would pay the
shipping to receive anything that could add to their programmes since
New Orleans was not afforded the insurance exceptions other states
have been granted since Katrina, particularly as a result of
Hurricane Sandy. Katrina was the model for How- Not- To. there are
still residents living in sub-adequate housing, schools that have had
to have celebrities come to their aid since State insurance would not
give them parts of funding received specifically for their needs,
and there are other travesties as well that keep New Orleans from
advancing when it comes to recreating highly innovative and
successful programmes that existed before the storm but have never
received the funding necessary to get back to baseline, or in some,
well, many cases even replace student desks, libraries,and essential
student centered furnishings much less replacing arts and crafts
centred education.(though music programmes are running again) If I
had to donate and it was feasible, I would look at that forgotten
city with much need. Anyway, I’m sure everyone can think of somewhere
they deem "forgotten’ if not underfunded or overlooked. the point is
to make it clear what YOU want done with your estate after your
demise. I have seen, too many times, artists and craftsmen with very
good intentions giving to an institution they selected for one reason
or another only to find the institution either immediately liquidated
the equipment at a fraction of its worth- often for “space” or
storage concerns, or the equipment was not recorded in any
inventories and was allowed to be taken by staff with Departmental
blessings or a turn of the head. When a gift is cash it’s a different
story altogether. I’m not intimating this happens everywhere by any
means, but it does happen, and is not limited to studio items. I
donated an expensive, well maintained, low mileage and in excellent
condition car to a centre for homeless and battered women as many of
the women living there(most often with children) were rurally located
and had no way to get to jobs, nor anywhere or for any purpose (like
moving) that required a vehicle. This was a station wagon so the
center assured me it would be available as a pool type vehicle to
allow any of the women to sign it out for a day or given period to
go to a job, new residence, etc. but that the ownership would remain
with the 501© 3 Less than a week later I see the vehicle driving
down the highway with a male behind the wheel! I immediately called
to inquire about the situation and was told, first day, that the
adminstrator was out, the next day she didn’t know anything about the
donation, and later in the week that the car had been given to a
woman that had been in the shelter for a few weeks but went back to
the husband that broke her jaw. I had made no stipulations clear
enough on paper as to the disposition of the gift.(.I never got a
thank you note either).So I would hate to see any of you experience a
situation like this, being the tool junkie I am! My most keen advise
is to Protect your gifts, and insure that your intentions are
clarified, crystal clear and understood by the current administration
of any recipient organisation, and that they have demonstrated to
your satisfaction a plan for the in-kind donation or any cash left to
them that you are leaving unrestricted to the recipient agency,
school,club or organization. …rer