Practice Welding

This set gave me a chance to practice welding something other than jump rings. I welded the front lentil piece to the back for the earrings and pendant. I didn’t think I could set the stone after assembling, so I set the stones and then welded. I think they turned out quite nice and it was fun get more use out of my welder.


Which welding technique?
My primary choice is the laser, but @ 90% of what I do on the laser could be done with pulse arc.

I have an orion mpulse. So yes, pulse arc welding.


Excellent work! :slight_smile:

Wow!!! Really beautiful! I would love to learn more about this technique. I guess the main advantage is no heat so joints can be done with stones in place? Your work is impeccable!

Thank you. I literally held the pieces together with my fingers right next to where I was welding to make sure they were aligned properly. No heat risk at all to the stones. I am excited to dream up more designs where I can take advantage of this.

So you have an orion mpulse 30? I just watched a video and it looks so easy. I am going to research them right now. I did before, but only came up with the expensive ones with the microscope and computer, which is way beyond my needs. Thanks for posting!


I have had a very expensive PUK 5.1 for over year and have yet to be able use it to make a piece of jewelry. I do a lot of repair, jump rings and have figured out a way to use it to make great rivets, but welding a seam that I can live with is another story. Good job…Rob

A few years ago I attended a bench jeweler’s seminar at Stuller. I got a chance to do a short class on the pulse arc, and then “play” with a couple of the machines.
With 2 factory reps watching over my shoulder and offering advice on settings I might try, I was able to successfuly “rechannel” an opal inlaid, Sterling Silver ring, without damaging the Opal.
With now @30 years of experience using the laser, I adapted my techniques to this technology pretty quickly.
If I had no laser, I would certainly purchase a pulse arc welder

When I bought the PUK, I intended to find some training on it. Right after I bought it, Covid happened. I need to start looking again…Rob

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Oh whyyyyyyyyy did I read this! Now I looked at the little Orion welder and it looks so, so useful and $2k actually sounds perfectly reasonable and now I’m pretty sure I need one… :star_struck:

Someday. Some. Day.

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Talk to as many people as you can about how you intend to use it an specifically on what metals. If you can, try one out. Gold, steel, brass and copper to some extend and other no-precious metals work fairly well. Silver is a real chore. That being said, Jeffery Herman does amazng things with silver and a PUK 5.1. In my experience it takes a lot of practice. I use mine on gold readily. It is great to tack weld silver prior to soldering. I also use it to close jump rings, head small pins and it is great to head rivets. I have yet to build a complete piece in silver without going back to solder some joints. I did just us it to repair the tip of a flyrod and it worked great. Good luck…Rob