Powdered brazing flux sources

Two major international companies - Handy and Harmon ( Handi
flux) and Johnson Matthey( Easy flow) also sell their widely used
paste fluxes in a powder form.

Lucas Millhaupt is also Handy and Harmon . Ther is an 800 contact #
can be found number heRe:


find the handi-flux powder and the more active b-1 type (black
type) used mostly for work on stainless steel:


The Johnson Maztthey website is heRe:

I have trouble with this site using several browsers- I have been
able to find their flux powders by probing around but ???

The biggest problem is probably finding someone selling small
quantities as it is an industrial material.

I have never seen this for retail sale.

Orchid ignored my earlier post on this type material.
