Pot metal repair

Hi This is my 2nd request for info.on soldering pot metal. Pot metal
or zinc die cast metal is in question. I was sent a sample of solder a
few years ago that soldered this type of metal. The solder was like a
lead solder with special flux. I misplaced the mfg. info. but I know
that there is such a product. Help!!!

    Hi This is my 2nd request for info.on soldering pot metal. Pot
metal or zinc die cast metal is in question. 

A. Gonicberg and Marshall L. Ritch published by The A. J. Oster
Company, a casting company. The book covers moldmaking and casting of
pot metals. They have a listing for consulting/troubleshooting. You
might write to them and see if they can help you or direct you to
someone who can.

The Oster Group
White Metal Consulting Department
50 Sims Avenue
Providence, RI 02909

Good luck,
Donna Shimazu


By pot metal, I assume you’re talking about a zinc-based alloy.
Check the Rio Grande catalog. They have solder which will likely do
the trick. I bought some from Rio a couple of years back and have
soldered “white metal” (aka pot metal, aka white metal etc) with it
quite handily. Just don’t let your parent metal get too hot – and
this isn’t very hot at all – just work slowly up to your soldering
temp. with a small flame. If too aggressive with the heat you get the
questionable delight of watching a chunck of what you’re trying to fix
just fall away in a silvery blob.

Jeff Booth
Oakville, Ontario

pot metal solder, check northern tool.com or harbor freight both sell
the solder your looking for usually under welding suppose

Try Tix Solder. It should work well. I have used it a number of
times on pot metal.

Thelzeda Moore