Polishing stones

Can you polish out a small blemish on a topaz after it’s been set?
I told myself to tape the stone and didn’t😩

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If you can feel the blemish with your fingernail, you will probably need to remove the stone and regrind, sand and polish it. There are lots of discussions like this in the archives. Go to Lasco (https://www.lascodiamond.com), they have some interesting products that might help. Good luck…Rob


Thankyou Rob. I decided to continue on regardless. It may have been there before


If the blemish is on the table of the stone and the table sits up above the setting, it is likely that a repair person could easily fix this without removing the stone from the setting. A really good repair guy could probably hand hold this and get it done, but there are special dops that hold a ring for this kind of thing, too. If it’s a star facet that is at a low angle, there’s still a possibility it could be done without removing the stone if the stone sits up high enough. Any other facet, probably will require removing the stone. Repairs like this are not particularly expensive, so you might want to inquire about it. I facet but decided long ago that I didn’t want to be responsible for other folk’s stuff. All the repairers will ask you to sign a waiver of liability, even tho’ they seldom damage a stone, just because there are no guarantees in that business, but it’s just the psychological fear factor of having to tell someone that you busted their stone that keeps me from doing this stuff. I know how, I just feel it’s so much easier to just spend my time cutting my own stuff. Look at Anthony Lloyd-Rees’s site for a list of repair people. -royjohn

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Do you have a website for him?

If you google his name it comes up on his facebook page: <thegemdoctor.com>. If you hunt around there, he does the work, but also has a list of cutters who do repair work. -royjohn

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