Just to add a few points on polishing gravers with the Cera wheel.
Also, I am saying how I do it and in no way discarding the use of
emery paper.
Whatever works for you, as long as you get the result you want.
I shape and sharpen my gravers using a diamond wheel on the left of
the picture in the link.
SuperMax 9007.22 OHP.
It’s quite aggressive and rough so you got to gentle
From there I go straight to the Cera wheel and I can bring up a
mirror polish in seconds,
using the flat side of the wheel.
One thing is to keep the wheel absolutely clean of swarf, which
shows up as black marks on the wheel
I do this with a Q tip and turpentine whilst spinning the wheel in a
hand piece.
I do all my shaping and sharpening under a microscope.
As I have said before, along with the various advances made in the
jewellery industry like the PUK and CAD/CAM and lasers,
the days of the old hand working craftsman such as myself are fast
drawing to a close.
That is not to say hand skills won’t still be important, but rather
that they will be enhanced by the various machines available.
So it is also in setting, and these days it is pretty much essential
that any professional setter
have a microscope, and air assisted graver machine and the
sharpening methodology mentioned above.
If you have the money, a set of DVD’s by the Berlin setter Vitalji
Kricuk are well worth the money, even though
they are an eye watering EU200 each, and there are three of them.
Check out http://www.ganoksin.com/gnkurl/ep81jw
One last thing.
Those folk that were looking for a fine emery paper, there is a
company in Germany
Polierbock - Fachhandel für Schleif- und Poliertechnik who sell a wet or dry paper at
5000 grit.
I bought some to test out and it is a very good product.