Platinum casting machines

I need to know of a good machine that casts platinum like the J-2z or
like. I need consistent casting in platinum and only wish I could
find one that does gold, sliver, and platinum! Any ideas?


Take a look at the products form TopCast.

We just recently purchased the TCE10 It will cast all the
traditional jewelry metals plus titanium, stainless, chromium cobalt,
iron, etc.

The units are well designed and easy to operate.

James McMurray

Britten, I bought a Galloni Fusus new from Galloni and I’m very
happy with it. It is a double broken arm casting machine with a good
optical pyrometer. I got it from Gesswein.

Tino Volpe Quality Assurance Manager,
Metallurgist Tiffany & Co.
300 Maple Ridge Drive Cumberland, RI 02864-8707

I bought a Galloni Fusus new from Galloni and I'm very happy with
it. It is a double broken arm casting machine with a good optical
pyrometer. I got it from Gesswein. 

Could you tell me if you had any other options you were looking at?
What made you go with that machine?