Planing for Tucson 2007

I have decided that it is probably the right time to start figuring
out where and when to go to Tucson for the catalog in motion, etc. I
have never been able to go before and I have decided that the time
is right.

Now, I need to know the whens and wheres. Where are good places to
stay and when is the best time to go?s

So, thanks for all your help and I look forward to some really
terrific answers.

Jennifer Friedman
Ventura, CA

Jennifer and All;

Please join us at the 11th Annual Tucson Orchid Dinner, 2007

Friday, Feb. 2, 2007
7:00pm Cocktails
8:00pm Dinner

The Savoy Opera House
6541 East Tanque Verde
Tucson, AZ 85715

Phone: (520) 886-5012
Fax: (520) 298-3614

Save the date…Registration will start soon!


Hello Jennifer,

The Tucson experience in general is petty awe-inspiring. If all you
want to do is Rio’s CiM, go to their website and see which
educational programs you want to attend and plan your visit from
there. Be aware that the series of gem and mineral (and who know what
else!) shows will begin the last weekend in January and end mid Feb.
It’s best to get your reservations made now and be prepared to pay
extra as everyone seems to jump rates during the “Show.”

If you check Orchid archives, you should find lots of discussion
about reasonable places to stay and advice on how to prepare for the
event. Some stay in nearby towns and drive in daily. Good luck and
good hunting!

Judy in Kansas


This really isn’t a shameless plug, but come see me :). I would love
to meet you and get some input on my really quite non traditional
enamel. I will be exhibiting at the To Bead True Blue Show at the
Manning House. I hear it is a little off the beaten path (but so am
I) and that it is a unique and unusual show, well worth the time to
take a look. Obviously the Catalog in Motion is a must see. Since
this will be my first time in Tucson also I will watch this post with
as much anticipation as you.


Well, I have already committed myself now. Just signed up for a class
with CIM. So Tucson, here I come. And finally will get to meet some
of you at the Orchid dinner. Yeaaaaaaaa.

Jennifer Friedman

I am still working on the Tucson show. So here is my offer and
question. I will be driving there from the LA area. Does anyone want
to go with me? And does anyone (female prefered) want to share a
room with me?

Jennifer Friedman
Ventura, CA