Pieces needed for mosaic at Taft high school

A jeweler on polygon posted this request, thought I’d pass along

Pieces needed for mosaic at Taft high school…Chicago

The Taft High School in Chicago is looking for pieces of shinny stuff
that are hard, not to small and can be used for a school mosaic this
summer. I would imagine items are tax deductable.

Looking for items that have no real value like pieces of poor quality
turquoise, malachite, shell, faux silver,pieces left over from watch
repairs… broken pieces of almost anything, chipped are just
fine…larger gemstones could work if the have no real value and
poor quality rough… anything you might have laying around from
breakout etc…

Please just mail these items to our store and we will gladly forward
them to the teacher in charge…if you are in Chicago and want to do
that direct dm me for contact info…

point of interest, this is the school the musical Grease was based
on, the writers of the musical were once students there.

Thanks Kerry

Wouldn’t it be cool if people could send them something to represent
each state in the US (in addition to the other stuff)? What state do
you want to represent?